Kung Fu Panda Story Test - DreamWorks Story Initiative 2011

"Po and Shifu are racing to stop the Ox hoard from taking over a small village when Po comes across a going-out-of-business sale of Furious five merchandise! What happens?"

Po: The Dragon Warrior is going to rescue the village from the pack of Oxen warriors.
Shifu: Po! This is serious. Don't treat it like a game.
Po: We can take care of them no problem.

Po: Whoa. . .
Po: The collector's edition of the Furious Five versus the Wu Dang Wolves. It's been sold out for years.
Po: I can't believe they have it here. . . and it's so cheap!
Shifu: Po!!!
Shifu: What are you doing?!

Po: Uh...I... My stomach hurts. . .
Po: Could you go on ahead?
Po: I'll catch up!

Po: Wha...They even have the Furious Five Shadowplay Set!!!

Po: Whoa!!! I can see the patterns on Mantis's shirt.

Bunny screams.

Shifu: Hold it there!

Shifu: Leave this place!

Ox: Is it just you?
Shifu: It's more than enough to defeat you guys!
Ox: Charge!!!